Sunday 28 February 2016


My goal in life is to see lives holistically transformed , hence this blog. We are destined to reign in life! God’s ultimate desire for us is that we prosper and be in HEALTH even as our soul prospers (3 John 2). God wants us to enjoy sound health. We all have dreams and pursuits in life, but as beautiful as they may seem, we can't do much if we are not in good health.
One of the things that can cause serious health challenges is overweight. They increase one’s risk of major health problems. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and depression. The list is endless. The good news however is, there is hope.
A year ago I weighed 99kg (218 pounds). I thought it was normal because of my height (6ft2”), so I didn’t really bother. I ignored it, even though people were telling me I was getting fat. It took a while before I realized it wasn’t normal.

I started noticing the following;
  • Body pain (especially in my chest region) and difficulty with physical functioning.
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems.
  • Low quality of life.
  • Depression.
  • Sluggishness
  • Frequent urination, especially at nights.
It was then I knew I needed to do something about it.

First of all, I decided to make a list of the things (habits) I did that was responsible for my weight gain.
See the list below;

  1. Poor water intake.
  2. High consumption of soda and sugary drinks.
  3. Eating too much late at night.
  4. Lack of exercise.
  5. Eating in between meals, especially junks.
Poor water intake

Studies show that drinking more water may benefit weight loss and maintenance. Drinking water increases the amount of calories we burn. On the contrary, poor or lack of water intake can slow the burning process resulting in weight gain. Drinking water before meals can reduce appetite. Studies of older adults have shown that drinking water before each meal may increase weight loss by 2kg over a 12-week period. Drinking water is also linked to reduced calorie intake and a lower risk of weight gain.

High consumption of soda and sugary drinks

Added sugar is highly fattening. Liquid sugar is even more. Sugar supplies large amounts of the simple sugar fructose, which does not lower the hunger hormone ghrelin in the same way as glucose, the main carbohydrate found in starchy foods. Sugary drinks will not make one feel full, so there’s the tendency that one would eat the same amount of food as before. This piles up a whole lot of extra sugar calories. Study shows that people who added soda on top of their current diet ended up consuming 17% more calories than before. This could easily lead to obesity over time.  Large amount of sugar are turned into fat in the liver. They drastically increases belly fat accumulation. Sugary soda can cause insulin resistance, a key feature of metabolic syndrome. The list is endless. The bottom line is, sugar drinks are the most fattening aspects of the modern diet.

Eating too much late at night

For some, eating late at night is a habit. For others, it is work related. Whichever the case, eating late at night is not healthy. Speaking of weight gain, eating late at night may not necessarily cause weight gain but eating too much late at night will. Truth is, if our body actually needs 1,600 calories to maintain a healthy body weight and we eat say 800 calories before 8 p.m, one could in reality eat another 800 before bedtime. But, the problem most of the time is that we stay hungry for so long that we crave for more food at night. So one might be tempted to eat more than the body actually requires to maintain a healthy body weight. Now, this is what causes weight gain - the excess calories late at night.

Lack of exercises

Exercise has numerous benefits. It helps to keep off excess weight. It makes our bones strong and keeps the heart healthy. On the contrary, lack of it can have adverse health effects. It can make the bones weak, cause organs to malfunction and cause one to gain weight, which might lead to one or more obesity related medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes.

Eating in-between meals, especially junks

Fat burning actually refers to the process of using fat as our fuel, our source of energy. But fat is not the only kind of fuel that can be utilized by our bodies. We also have carbohydrates and sugars but when the body has both, it burns the sugars first and then the fats. But fat is the most important source of fuel for the body. But interestingly it burns slowly while sugar burns faster. This is why Sugar and carbohydrate fuels provide quick bursts of energy. However, fat burning plays a very important role in our body. It detoxifies us and neutralizes excess acids that build up from stress. But here’s the problem. When we eat in between meals, the body will burn fuel from those meals rather than its fat stores. So instead of burning stored fat between meals the way the body was designed, the body is occupied with the excess meals. This results in overweight and gradually, obesity.

What I did to lose 15 kg in one month

Quite a lot has been said on weight loss. Here I'm going to show you what worked for me. I'm very sure it will work for you because it's practical and achievable.

  • I increased my water intake. 
First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to take at least two glasses of water. This helps to keep the body hydrated. I made sure I drank at least 3 liters of water every day for one month.
Please note that what is recommended by health authorities is 8-oz glasses of water which is around 2 liter per day. But I went a little over board because of the exercises I did. People who sweat a lot or exercise regularly may need more water than those who are not very active. It will help to always carry a water can everywhere you go. It has a way of reminding one to drink water.
Please do not drink more than is needed if you are not exercising frequently. Too much water may cause water toxicity.

  • I found a healthy alternative to soda and sugary drinks
The best way to get rid of a habit is to find a good replacement for it. Some people have suggested using water as a replacement for soda. As much as water is good, it is not really a replacement because it is too plain. Commercially produced fruit juices are not a healthy option either because they have more calories.
Sparkling water/seltzer is a good replacement for soda. They can be found in any supermarket. Other great options are;

  • Flavoured water.
  • Juice spritzers (carbonated juices.
  • Sports drinks.
  • Iced tea (e.g. iced green tea)
  • Minty water.
Note: Water still remains the healthiest and cheapest replacement for soda but making the big switch to water is almost impossible. It’s a gradual process.

  • I stopped eating after 7 p.m
I discovered that the body tries to make up for losses especially when it comes to food. Most people think that the best way to lose weight is to avoid food completely. Now, that’s dangerous. Instead of actually losing weight, one becomes haggard and sickly.  First of all, I made sure I don’t skip breakfast. I reduced all my portions by half but I never ever skip breakfast. I try as much as possible to eat as little as I can at night but that must be before 7 p.m. it wasn’t easy at first but its now part of me.
If I ever felt hungry anytime in the night, a piece of fruit always helps.
Apart from gaining weight, eating late at night can make one feel heavy and uncomfortable. This can affect a sound sleep. It can affect your sleep cycle. Research has it that the digestive process can have serious implications on your sleep cycle. This can make one wake up more often and have a harder time falling asleep in the first place.  It can also increase urination and excretion needs.

  • I exercised at home
Exercises are very vital if we must get rid of those weights but does it necessarily mean that we must hit the gym to achieve that? NO! All through the one month period, I did not hit the gym for one day.  My personal reasons were that I found it quite distracting. The second reason was because of the nature of my job.
There is nothing wrong with going to the gym but it just didn’t work for me. Do what works for you. Some people claim that going to the gym is motivational because they get to see other people exercising too. Very true! But for me my motivation was my future!

What I did, however, was that I jogged at a spot everyday for thirty (30) minutes.  Its very easy to get bored doing that so what I usually do was that I would play a fast tempo music that was approximately six (6) minutes long. So once it plays for 5 times, I know its 30 minutes. I did that every evening for 30 days. The time of the day is not important. Work out a schedule that’s perfect for you. Another exercise that is highly rewarding is skipping. Chose what works best for you. Sometimes I would do the simple aerobics that we all know in the mornings. This helps for flexibility of the joints and muscles.

  • I stopped eating in-between meals.
Eating in-between meals is not a healthy habit. I was so accustomed to that. Stopping it out rightly might be an uphill task for some of us. It wasn’t easy for me either. What I did was that anytime I felt like eating something in-between, I went for garden eggs. Garden eggs are good sources of dietary fibre. It regulates blood sugar and it is a natural source of vitamin B. its low calorie makes it good for weight management. It also has bone strengthening minerals. Because of its high fibre content, it can keep you full for a long time.
Sometimes I could also chew on some  low calorie nuts in moderation. Nuts are very healthy. They are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

The lowest calorie nuts;

  • Almonds (23 nut; 6 grams protein, 14 grams fat).
  • Cashews (16 to 18 nuts; 5 grams protein, 13 grams fat).
  • Pistachios (49 nuts; 6 grams protein, 13 grams fat

Final Note
Now I have reduced my daily joggings to at most three times a week whilst maintaining the other habits. I speak of it as a habit now because it has become a part of me.

You must have observed that I carefully avoided what your meal should comprise of. This is because some of the rules on dieting are not realistic especially in most parts of the world.

Personally I think whatever you can afford, eat, as long as they are balanced. And don't forget, reduce the portions by half. You can! Fruits work better on empty stomach. So when you do have fruits, take them before meals for best result.

Set a goal for yourself. Even if you cant meet it at the end of one month, don't be discouraged. Weight loss is a gradual process. Just keep up with this routine and in no time you'll reach your goal. I can't wait to read your testimonies. God bless you!

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